Start Water and Wastewater Services
Please complete the application below to apply for new service. This service is available for residential and commercial customers requesting water and wastewater services within established areas of Knox Chapman Utility District. If you would like to establish service at a location that does not currently have an existing meter present, such as new construction or development, you will need to visit a Customer Service Office to make your request.
If you have questions regarding setting up service, please Email Customer Service or call during normal business hours (865) 577-4497. *Rental agreements and proof of ownership documents are required prior to connection of service, and can be submitted by email at customerassist@knoxchapman.org or by fax at (865) 573-6296.
If you fail to provide all necessary information, your request will not be processed. If you do not receive a reply email within 24 hours of your request, contact our office via phone as soon as possible to avoid delays.
*One business day notice is required from the day we receive the new service connection. Requests entered after 3:30 p.m. will not be processed until the next business day. |
Billing Address:
Please enter the address where bills should be sent. Include Apt #, Suite # or Building # to line one, if applicable. |
Service Address:
Address where service is required. |