Start Water and Wastewater Services

Please complete the application below to apply for new service. This service is available for residential and commercial customers requesting water and wastewater services within established areas of Knox Chapman Utility District. If you would like to establish service at a location that does not currently have an existing meter present, such as new construction or development, you will need to visit a Customer Service Office to make your request.

If you have questions regarding setting up service, please Email Customer Service or call during normal business hours (865) 577-4497. *Rental agreements and proof of ownership documents are required prior to connection of service, and can be submitted by email at or by fax at (865) 573-6296.

If you fail to provide all necessary information, your request will not be processed. If you do not receive a reply email within 24 hours of your request, contact our office via phone as soon as possible to avoid delays.

*One business day notice is required from the day we receive the new service connection. Requests entered after 3:30 p.m. will not be processed until the next business day.

Today's Date:  
Date Service is Desired:  *  
Type of Request:   *
Applicant Information:
Legal First Name:
Legal Last Name:   *
Driver's License #:  *
State Driver's License was Issued:   *
How many structures does this meter serve?  *

Billing Address:
Please enter the address where bills should be sent. Include Apt #, Suite # or Building # to line one, if applicable.
Street Address/P.O. Box:  *
City:  *
State:  *
Zip Code:   *

Service Address:
Address where service is required.
Service Address:  
E-mail:  *
Confirm E-mail:  *
Primary Phone:--   *
Cell Phone:--   *
Co Applicant Information:
Driver's License #:  
State Driver's License was Issued:  
Primary Phone:  
Cell Phone:  
Electronic Signature: I understand that typing my name in the field provided is my electronic signature. *Required if Co Applicant  

Primary Phone Number will be used for Voice Notifications. Cell Phone Number will be used for Text Notifications, if enrolled.

Online Access:
We offer online access to your account(s) via the Customer Portal and Mobile App. To use these services, please enter your desired password in the fields below. You will enter your username (your full account number, i.e. 1122334-001) and your chosen password when logging into the platforms.
Password:  *
Confirm Internet Password:  
Password Hint:

Please note a $50.00 connect fee and a $100.00 deposit is required (for renters only). When your account is created in our system, you will receive an email with information regarding your new account, including balance for initial fees.

Connect Fee:  

Cross Connection Questionnaire:
Does this home have a swimming pool?
(yes or no)
Does this home have an irrigation system?
(yes or no)
Does this home have a water softener or auxiliary water treatment system?
(yes or no)
Does this home have a livestock watering system?
(yes or no)
Does this home have a booster pump or well pump?
(yes or no)
Does this home have a backflow protection device?
(yes or no)
Occupancy:   *
Please select your preferred Billing Method:   *
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into by and between the KNOX CHAPMAN UTILITY DISTRICT of Knox County, Tennessee a UTILITY established and existing under the laws of the State of Tennessee, here in after referred to as the “DISTRICT”, and the applicant, here in after referred to as “CUSTOMER”. It is the policy of the DISTRICT to require that the applicant seeking service be the responsible party residing at the service address. Anyone seeking service who is acting on the applicant’s behalf may be required by the DISTRICT to provide the applicant’s written verification as well as applicant’s identification papers, as required below. Whenever an application is made for service and the DISTRICT has knowledge of a dispute as to the ownership of the right of occupancy at the service address, and one or more of the claimants attempts to prevent such service being furnished, the DISTRICT reserves the right to withhold service pending a judicial or other settlement of the rights of the various claimants. By applying for service, the customer agrees to the pay all fees associated with starting service as well as monthly billing statements by due date listed on bill. Failure to do so will result in disconnection of service. Once service is active a minimum bill will be charged monthly regardless of usage. To avoid minimum bill, customers must contact utility to disconnect service. Customers who fail to give notice of disconnect to the DISTRICT will be responsible for payment of services used.  Customer agrees that Knox Chapman may enter property at any time for inspection or repair of water/sewer lines, meters, or laterals.
I understand that checking this box and typing my name in the field provided below is my electronic signature.
  Applicant Signature:     *